Saturday, July, 27, 2024 04:34:00

HxCentral, a healthcare experience management solutions provider, has reportedly partnered with Indian Institute of Health Management and Research, a leading healthcare research institute based in Bangalore. As per reliable sources, the collaboration is committed to enhancing patient safety, quality compliance, and overall healthcare experience through advanced healthcare technology solutions. As per market analysts, digitalization and automation is becoming a critical need for healthcare facilities to proficiently serve more patients, ensure safety, and conform to complex healthcare standards and above all, make healthcare more affordable to the public. IIHMR will add to the partnership its years of research experience that will help HxCentral serve the current and future hospital needs more efficiently, claim sources. Reportedly, IIHMR, Bangalore recently roped in Baiju VY, VP of HxCentral, as the Academic Advisory Council to collaborate with IIHMR experts to help update the curriculum and set new standards for future healthcare professionals. Under the partnership, HxCentral will be setting up its solution in IIHMR so that students are able to attain a practical understanding of healthcare experience solutions and would also familiarize them with real-world issues and challenges in healthcare operations. Dr. S.D. Gupta, Trustee Secretary at IIHMR, Jaipur was quoted saying that healthcare in India is in need of a different and comprehensive approach leading to digital transformation. He further stated that he is rather elated that the partnership between IIHMR and HxCentral will be pioneering this change. According to Dr. Usha Manjunath, Director of IIHMR, the healthcare digitalization space still needs a lot of work and collaborations like these will favor both the industry and the students, who are the future of this sector. Working with HxCentral will help the institute’s research efforts attain the right balance and direction that can directly impact patient safety and healthcare compliance, Manjunath added.