Saturday, July, 27, 2024 12:15:26

Paragon Genomics, Inc., has recently announced a worldwide partnership with the subsidiary of BGI Group, MGI Tech Co., Ltd. Apparently, MGI would be distributing the CleanPlex® NGS Panels from Paragon Genomics for using them with the sequencing platforms of MGI around the world, except the U.S.

According to a press release by Paragon Genomics, the firm would also distribute the automated sample preparation workstation systems of MGI in Canada and the U.S. MGI would be distributing Ready-to-Use and CleanPlex Custom NGS Panels for BGISEQ and MGISEQ sequencing platforms of MGI, which include the MGISEQ-T7 – its ultra-high throughput sequencer.

Further from the reports, CleanPlex MGI NGS panels would be available for infectious disease testing, reproductive health and oncology, and for future genomic applications. Paragon Genomics would also distribute MGI’s MGISP-960RS, MGISP-100RS and sample preparation systems that are future automated for the genomics market in Canada and the U.S.

Co-founder and CEO, Paragon Genomics, Tao Chen, stated that MGI’s powerful sequencers’ exceptional performance is driving wide acceptance, while the CleanPlex NGS Panels would enable numerous applications for MGI customers, like clinical assessments of known biomarkers.

Chen further said that the company welcomes the opportunity of distributing sample prep systems of MGI using Paragon’s sensitive and accurate CleanPlex chemistries, to provide a complete integrated automated solution for customers having large testing volumes.

President of MGI, Duncan Yu, mentioned that this partnership with Paragon Genomics represents the strategy of MGI to join leading technology partners for enhancing and extending the capabilities of MGI’s growing portfolio of genomics solutions.

Yu claims that MGI enables its customers and partners for expanding a wide range of NGS applications with the company’s open BGISEQ/MGISEQ platforms with this partnership. The chemistries of Paragon Genomics provide exceptional sensitivity and accuracy in a simplified workflow format, Yu said, adding that the company looks forward to a mutually fruitful and long relationship with Paragon