Saturday, July, 27, 2024 09:11:37

Leading healthcare technology company, Royal Philips has reportedly launched a revolutionary platform called IntelliSpace Discovery 3.0 to facilitate the development of AI assets and their integration in radiology to aid clinical and transactional research. As per trusted sources, the IntelliSpace is already being used by over 50 hospitals and academic institutions. The platform is used in the advancement of radiology applications for segmentation, rendering, and quantification, cite sources.

Philips HealthSuite’s open platform allows radiologists to accumulate detailed data analytics in medical imaging. It is currently being utilized in research and clinical validation, but moving ahead its applications can be incorporated into Philips IntelliSpace Portal’s radiology workflow.

Despite AI solutions’ potential to boost patient care and care delivery, it can be difficult to introduce them to healthcare clinical practices. It may encounter problems during collection and creation of quality data, the tactics for training and evaluating the tools, and preventing disruption during AI incorporation.

According to sources familiar with the development, the company followed adaptive intelligence, a people-centric approach to merge AI with other technologies. This is achieved by employing the knowledge of the clinical and operational context to develop integrated solutions aimed to meet the needs of healthcare providers.

David Maintz, Head of Department of Radiology, University Hospital Cologne, stated that the institute uses IntelliSpace Discovery to level up its research activities. He further noted that everybody is talking AI, while the institute is coming up with its own AI algorithms.

Reportedly, this platform lets radiologists access tools and applications to gather, normalize and anonymize data, which then helps radiologists visualize and interpret to train and validate deep learning algorithms. Radiologists can simply integrate the algorithms as plug-in apps in their research workflow. This can help them analyze new data to conduct clinical research in the field of radiology, neurology, oncology, and cardiology, cite trusted sources.

However, Philips IntelliSpace Discovery is only meant for research purpose and not to diagnose patients or select treatments, sources claim.