Saturday, July, 27, 2024 10:37:48

IllumiCare’s Smart Ribbon technology is currently live across more than 120 hospitals in the U.S.

OptimizeRx Corp., one of the most prominent provider of digital health messaging for the pharma industry, has declared that it has established a new partnership with IllumiCare. The agreement entails the pioneer in PoC healthcare information technology to have its Smart Ribbon® platform to feature the RxSavings App from OptimizeRx for presenting drug savings opportunities.

Sources familiar with the matter claim that these opportunities will possibly fall along the likes of vouchers and co-pay offers, which clinical care teams and providers can directly distribute to the patient at the point-of-care.

For the uninitiated, IllumiCare’s Smart Ribbon can be customized as per the needs of every hospital. Known to display numerous apps based on context and user which illuminate opportunities for lowering overutilization and enabling providers to cater better to hospital & patient resources.

Miriam Paramore, President, OptimizeRx, has been reportedly quoted stating that OptimizeRx singularly focuses on improving the lines of communication between patients, providers, and the pharma firms. By bringing together these stakeholders, the company will be able to create a seamless continuum that would majorly impact the healthcare industry, Paramore says.

Commenting on the partnership, Paramore claims that the firm’s collaboration with IllumiCare is an apt instance of their long-standing commitment that involves bringing financial conversations to the forefront, not only enabling affordability and adherence, but also helping to improve the overall clinical outcomes.

Echoing similar sentiments, G.T. LaBorde, CEO, IllumiCare states that the company’s collaboration with OptimizeRx is certain to enable providers to turn out to be better stewards of healthcare expenditure. The firm’s proprietary Smart Ribbon technology, that is accessible within the provider’s workflow in the EHR (electronic health record), is sure to deliver providers with an easy access for rendering savings opportunities, alternate drug choices, or coupons to best support the patient.